Manuscript Submissions
- Manuscripts should meet the following requirements:
- 1. All articles should follow The Publication Manual of the
American Psychological Association (APA) Fourth Edition format.
If an individual is from a country other than the United States
and is unfamiliar with this publicfation style, the editors
will assist the author in formatting the manuscript in APA style
if the manuscript is accepted for publication. Because html
formatting is slightly different from that of regular paper
publishing, the APA style will be followed as closely as possible.
Indentions, spacing, and footnoting may vary in this journal.
- 2. Manuscripts should be typed, double-spaced, titled, and
should be approximately 1200 to 3000 words in length. Pertinent
photographs, charts, or graphs should accompany the manuscipt.
- 3. Manuscripts submitted should be previously unpublished
and not under consideration by another publication.
- 4. Include a brief biography of each author of the paper and
an address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address.
- 5. Manuscripts may be e-mailed to the Editors at edu or snail mailed to: (If mailed by regular mail,
the author should submit the manuscript on MacMSWord5.0 or 6.0
or if saved in DOS, the document must be saved as a Word or
as an RTF file.)
Dr. Genevieve Brown/Dr. Beverly J. Irby, Editors
Sam Houston State University
P.O. Box 2119
Huntsville, Texas 77341
Telephone: 409-294-1147; Fax: 409-294-3886
Manuscript Deadlines: Open call for manuscripts
AWL Journal Home Page
AWL Journal Volume
1, Number 3, Summer 1998