Many subtle restrictions exist that prevent women
from acquiring promotions, tenure, and other forms of advancement.
The vocations of successful mother and professional are not necessarily
mutually exclusive (Holt, 1981). However, the major segment of the
workforce-women, comprising 52%-are struggling to balance these
two most important forces in their lives. Drastic increases in the
number of working women have thrust this issue to the workplace
forefront. Resolution of such career and family concerns should
definitely contribute not only to increased productivity, but also
to the psychological well-being of a more successful workforce (AAWCJC,
The February 1, 1993 cover of Time magazine confronts us with the
plight of the working professional woman, as we see a picture of
the first female nominee for U.S. Attorney General. Zoe Baird was
"drawn and quartered" for decisions she made regarding a family
concern: quality child care. Regardless of personal beliefs about
respect for the rules, integrity, or credibility, the fact remains:
Had a male nominee ever been asked about his child care arrangements?
The answer is no (Gibbs, 1993).
Research supports a history of limited success for professional,
and especially university, women with families (Ezrati, 1983). In
fact, conflicts involving expectations and family obligations appear
to run rampant in institutions of higher education. Several pertinent
statistics are esoteric to institutions of higher learning and the
issue of family and employee gender: (1) Fewer married women achieve
high academic rank than married men; (2) Men are more successful
in combining parenthood and academic careers; in fact, the combination
of family and career are the norm for men, not women, academicians;
(3) The majority of university women remain childless, 50% as reported
by Hensel (1991), with only 15% having three or more children, as
compared to 33% of men (Carnegie Commission as reported by Ezrati,
1983); and (4) The more children a woman has, the more difficult
it is to balance family and career. In fact, career advancement
for the professional woman often means limiting family size (Holt,
In an attempt not to only initiate but also perpetuate change,
the American Association of Women in Community and Junior Colleges
(AAWCJC) selected for its 1992 agenda the theme of "The New Workforce"
in order to showcase issues pertinent to quality living for university
women. This organization sees the need to promote optimum achievement
of constituents, which means overcoming barriers to their success.
Effective management of family and professional responsibilities
is quickly emerging as a primary concern for university women across
the nation (AAWCJC, 1991).
Covert Issues in Higher Education's Organizational Culture
Many subtle restrictions exist that prevent women from acquiring
promotions, tenure, and other forms of advancement. Ezrati (1983)
presented the following list of covert reasons why advancement for
women in higher education may be limited.
Geographic Immobility
Few women have the luxury of relocating in order to attain job
advancement. Ninety percent of women reported they would relocate
only if their husbands secured employment. Seventy-five percent
of men would relocate for a better job with or without the spouseÕs
employment. In fact, our society "discourages family change for
the sake of a wife's career" (107).
Limited Bargaining Power
Being confined to one location, women usually have little or no
bargaining power in negotiating for position advancement. Administrators
feel minimal pressure when faced with the possibility of losing
versus regaining a productive female employee who is trapped in
one location. This condition also perpetuates low salaries and infrequent
Limited Job Market
Job relocation is acceptable if precipitated by the husband, but
not by the wife. Therefore, limited mobility perpetuates infinitesimal
career options. To further limit female career choices, colleges
and universities are seldom in close proximity to allow convenient
Nepotism and Institutional Inbreeding
Anti-nepotism policies are widespread in institutions of higher
learning. These policies appear to be inordinately discriminatory
to wives, usually due to the fact that husbands are employed first.
Most policies are not specific; however, the majority of institutions
covertly forbid the hiring of any relative even if the position
in question does not involve a supervisor/subordinate relationship.
In fact, special permission is sometimes required, especially in
the case of hiring a spouse. In juxtaposition, a similar discriminatory
action deals with inbreeding. Many institutions assume an inflexible
stance in hiring their graduates, a mentality which handicaps married
women because of their immobility.
Inability to Combine Family and Career
Even when university employment is secured, the female faculty
member has many tough decisions to make. If there are plans for
children, the employee must face necessary leaves of absence which
are usually at the convenience of the institution's schedule. Upon
return, she finds herself lacking in scholarly activities necessary
for promotion and tenure. Further, the ideal time for achieving
quality professional status is between the ages of twenty-five and
thirty-five which happens to coincide with the optimum years for
bearing children.
Additionally, women's career and family choices tend to follow
a pattern of fragmented phases rather than a smooth continuum descriptive
of their male counterparts. This paradigm tends to characterize
university women's careers as disjointed.
Public Mindsets
Society vehemently declares that childcare is the responsibility
of women. Mothering, not fathering, is a prevalent societal norm
creating personal role conflicts that permeate institutions of higher
learning. Religion and mores further confound the problem facing
women who desire to maintain a quality career and family life. Most
women feel pressured by society to make a choice. Hampton (1982)
states that women professors generally chose careers over marriage.
Even though female academicians have greater earning power than
most other women in the workplace, they continue to bear the burden
of the caretaking responsibilities of the home. In fact, socioeconomic
status is negatively correlated with the amount of hours spent in
housework activities. Hensel (1991) reports the addition of a child
and household responsibilities increase the workload of an average
professor from 55 to 70 or more hours per week.
Part-time Employment
Most part -time employees are women , a choice that is often family-driven.
Therefore they receive lower salaries, fewer promotions, and suffer
from reduced productivity.
Childcare Provisions
Few institutions of higher education provide childcare facilities,
thereby requiring women to acquire childcare on their own. When
such programs do exist on college campuses, implementation was historically
initiated as a result of student versus faculty needs. The unavailability
of onsite quality childcare is pervasive in institutions of higher
education. It appears once again that our patriarchal society is
restricting women faculty who are attempting to combine family and
Extraneous Implications
Hensel (1991) noted that women are as productive and scholarly
as men, although women suffer from higher attrition rates and slower
mobility in higher education. Gender discrimination is prevalent
and appears to be exacerbated by the perplexing responsibilities
of university women attempting to balance family life and professional
career. Most institutions continue to be male-dominated with athletic
and military overtones. Women are, however, quietly breaking into
the male-controlled society in a subtle manner but are required
to utilize male rules and mores for successful integration. In fact,
women who secure administrative positions must capitalize on the
typical paths derived from their male predecessors.
Holt (1991) also addressed the issue of juggling the demands of
family and position in the advancement process. Only those female
university administrators who had secured quality childcare arrangements
and had a supportive husband felt any relief from the career pressures
they must endure. In addition, for those who are family women in
management positions, their greatest expenditure of energy was directed
at resolving conflict about priorities of family and career. Most
of them felt that eventually a choice was forthcoming (Hampton,
Strategies for Successful Career Integration
The community of higher education and society as a whole can benefit
from utilizing the untapped female academic talent of individuals
who experience the conflict of family and career responsibilities.
Selected strategies which follow must be incorporated into the policies
and activities of the higher education community to accomplish this
endeavor and provide support for the universal family needs.
Higher Aspirations by Women
Women sometimes do not "actively work toward promotion" (Hampton,
1992, 22). The psychological perspective of women must reflect higher
aspirations and thinning patterns which support the achievement
of non-traditional female fields of employment (Parker, 1991). Women
must begin to change their mentality about professional opportunities
and advancement (Hampton, 1982).
Financial Independence
Women must seek to achieve and maintain financial independence
because of expected additional years in the workforce (Parker, 1991).
Experience Enhancement
To enhance career opportunities and remain current, women must
take advantage of internships, volunteer for opportunities which
lead to additional experiences and seek advice of experts in the
field when available (Parker, 1991).
Family Response Surveys
Family response surveys administered by universities should be
utilized to identify family conflict issues and family support factors,
followed by the development of policies to eliminate unfavorable
practices (Hensel, 1991).
Dual Career Couples' Recruitment
The development of placement policies which recruit dual career
couples must be encouraged. Such measures will provide an easier
transition for couples with families who move for career enhancement
(Hensel, 1991).
Family Leave Policies
Alternative student assignments during periods of time when childbirth
occurs during the semester should be utilized. Both parents should
be allowed to participate (Hensel 1991).
Maternity Leave Policies
Women need at least three months access to leave with pay upon
the birth of a child (Hensel, 1991).
Load Reduction
At the birth of a child, the woman may select a reduced teaching
load or committee assignments for the semester or year (Hensel,
Tenure Clock Adjustment
The tenure clock must be adjusted for women one (Hensel, 1991)
or two years (Graham, 1983) per childbirth to allow adequate review
Class Schedule Options
Parents should be permitted to select class schedule adaptations
such as reduction of early morning, evening or Saturday classes
(Hensel, 1991).
Leave of Absence
Child bearing, child rearing and family emergencies are legitimate
reasons for discontinuous service without negative consequences
(Ezrati, 1983). Self-selection for leave time by either parent is
Networking with Colleagues
Women must align themselves with productive employees of the university
and be participating members of a network of female colleges (Holt,
Mentor relationships and new programs for new women professionals
offer assistance, contacts and critiques of activities (Holt, 1981).
Throughout this article, we have attempted to share the concerns
women have expressed as they attempt to balance their professional
lives with their personal lives. With the suggested strategies
women can begin to onsider how they can remedy some of the issues
surrounding the juxtaposition between family and work.
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AWL Journal Volume
1, Number 2, Winter 1998