Does it seem that with every passing year it’s getting harder and harder to find good paying jobs? If you think so, you’re not alone in your thoughts. In fact, this is a common complaint that many people have and it is even worse for those that do not have a college education.
Jobs are not bountiful right now and even college graduatessometimes find themselves waiting tables for a year or twoafter they receive their diploma before they are able tofind a job. So, with the work force becoming tougher andtougher to break into, what are you going to do about it?Give up or fight back? Well, the best way to ensure you willget hired at great jobs is to attend college. A degree isincredibly important, but it’s not a guarantee for getting ajob. Luckily, there are things you can do while in collegeto beef up your resume and make you stand out amongst allthe other applicants.
First of all, learn a foreign language. Learn two ifpossible. If you don’t know right now how important this is,you will understand once you’re trying to enter the workforce. Many jobs are requiring applicants to speak at leastone other language and you won’t want to be turned awaybecause you don’t. So, sign yourself up for Spanish, Italianor Arabic and become fluent if you want your resume tooutshine the others.
Secondly, and I can’t stress enough – apply for internships.If you want to be a writer, find a local magazine and internthere for a few hours every week. Not only will thisprovide you with invaluable hands on experience but it willalso get your foot in the door when you’re applying forwriting jobs. If you’re a marketing major, do an internshipat a restaurant that is just opening or work at a localtelevision station if you’re major is broadcasting. Do aninternship for as long as you can throughout your collegeyears. Trust me, this will look fantastic on your resume andwill automatically put you ahead of any other applicant thatdoesn’t have the same experience.
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Lastly, get involved in your community and college. Youmight think human resource people don’t look at volunteeractivities or hold student government activity with highregard but they usually do. Put any extra-curricularactivities like this that you’ve done on your resume whenyou’re looking for jobs. Employers like to know thatapplicants are well-rounded and volunteering makes you looklike you’re an outstanding member of the community andstudent government involvement demonstrates that you havepotential to be a great leader.
If you follow these tips, getting good jobs will come mucheasier regardless of what the employment rate is whenyou graduate. So, don’t get discouraged-just make a vow tobecome the best version of you possible and be confidentin your abilities and skills. All prospective employers willbe impressed with that and who knows – you just might getyour dream position after all!
Eva Perkoski is enthusiastic about jobs and is the originator of Fore Jobs