There are many free job search resources availablein any community, large or small. These resourcesare available to the aspiring CEO as well as to the person who wants to make sandwiches. Somejob seekers are not aware of what helpful placesand people there are, especially for FREE. Theresources are:
1. The nearest WorkSource office. (It used to becalled the “unemployment office”). These agenciesare in small towns and big cities and federallyfunded. Most WorkSource offices have access tothe Internet; job search workshops; resume writing help; posted job announcements and access to employment specialists who are thereto help. Help from this agency works best, if thejob seeker asks about available resources andhow that will help him or her. Asking is the key.
2. Local community colleges often have careercenters, which have job announcements, counselors ready to assist the job seeker andinterest and aptitude assessment tests. (Theseare usually set at a modest fee). Ask for help.
3. The local public library is a gold mine offree information. They have access too, to theInternet; local business directories for use; jobsearch books and pamphlets as well as accessto inter-library loan services. Reference librarians are there to help. Asking does it.
4. Private employment agencies may offertheir own assessment tests before the jobseeker signs on with them. It doesn’t costmuch, except gas, to go have a look.
5. The local phone book may have jobclubs or support groups listed. Privatecounselors may help with a free, firstsession if job seeking problems aretaking an emotional toll.
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6. Talking to everyone you meet helpsimmensely. Find out what people doand talk to them about their jobs.Introduce yourself as a “support person”and tell these others what you want to do.Get names, addresses, phone numbers &email addresses too. Offer your help.(For the anxious job seeker, thinking about someone else, helps chase anxiety away)
7. Use all of these free ways toconnect with a job. Invent some ofyour own & keep looking!
Marilyn J. Tellez, M.A.
Certified Job & Career Transition Coach
Phone: (509) 469-3514