Fuzzy Headed Job Goals Lead to a Fuzzy Headed Life!

May I clarify in this article what I believe to be “fuzzy headed” life and job decisions. I believe both are entwined: life and job.

“Fuzzy Headedness” is a result of notHAVING and ACTING on life goals. It’seasy to fall into the trap of not makingreal decisions for oneself. Others canmake them for us. We can drift and goto the job and life that just happens.I think we all know people that have livedlike this for a long time!

It is all right to let some things in lifejust happen. That puts some glitter andfun into a life that is worth living.

However, if fuzzy thinking and acting isa pattern in one’s life, then TOO MUCHJUST HAPPENING makes a life that isout of focus. Focus keeps all lives fromunraveling. It is essential for a job seekerto have a great goal and FOCUS.

Focus, plans, goals, action steps can keepus all out of the fuzzy headed, fuzzy ballof thinking, which curls up on itself, yes,just like a ball of thread! Now who wantsto live a life that is like a ball of thread?No one that I know of.

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Job seekers need to be as deliberate as possible andlooking for at least three job targets, in order to notsuccumb to the “unraveling” effects of fuzziness thinking.

Marilyn J. Tellez, M.A.
Certified Job & Career Transition Coach
Phone: (509) 469-3514
Email: doitnow@nwinfo.net
Web: http://www.doitnowcareers.info