The Night Worker

In the process of musing about our perennially awake world for my Social Psych blog, I started to think about our present work world and how its operations have changed the lives of millions of workers.

I manage a 24/7 emergency crew (mental health). We handle callers from early evening until 7 AM, plus weekends and holidays. During the course of the night, we talk to hundreds of people from all walks of life. Until a few years ago (except for intermittent wartime production requirements), the people who worked through the night were limited to emergency services (police, fire, hospitals), the telephone company, a few booming manufacturing plants, and the military. Now we expect to order items, day or night, by telephone. We demand that support services for all our transactions be available 24/7. Continue reading

Managing Change — Endings Are Just Doorways to New Beginnings

Every May we celebrate Mother’s Day-a time to tell mothers everywhere how much we love and honor them. In the midst of all the holiday revelry we should take some time to reflect on just what this day represents-the end of nine months of waiting and the passage through birth’s doorway to a new beginning.

When I became a mother, this holiday took on a whole new meaning-especially when my daughter graduated from college. Graduation ceremonies at her university were always held on Mother’s Day as a special tribute to the mothers who labored hard right along with each student and who rejoiced to see the ending and new beginnings. I was one of those mothers and 27 years prior to that day, my mother rejoiced on Mother’s Day to see me graduate from the same university. Continue reading

Why You Need To Be An Intrapreneur

When a client asks me if I think he or she is a good candidate for starting a new business, I ask several questions (see our free assessment, “Are You an Entrepreneur?”). But the truth of the matter is that these questions are similar to ones that I’d ask someone who wants to move up in an organization or find a new position elsewhere. When people call an executive coach after deciding to make a change or being laid off, those who have treated their career like their own business will have a much easier time. Continue reading

Interview Preparation

The dreaded job interview is the Number 1 source of email enquiries to Confidence Club. The following email is typical:

“I have an interview coming up and I’m terrified! I have to do a presentation in front of a panel of judges, and I just know I’m going to make a fool of myself”

Interviews generate immense levels of anxiety. Anxiety impairs performance, so that interview candidates often leave the room knowing that they didn’t give their best. Probably 98% of us have had the experience of ‘going blank’ in a pressure situation, losing the thread of our argument, or simply not ‘getting’ what the other person is asking. Continue reading

Focus On White-Collar Crime: Accounting Fraud and Computer Crimes Creates Need; Qualified Investing

An epidemic of white-collar financial crime has resulted in the development of specialized education programs focused on economic crime investigation and fraud management. These college-level degree programs attract students who are interested in law enforcement and are attracted by the very unique nature of these types of crimes and the special investigative techniques required to solve them.

There seems to be no end to the greed in the hearts of some professional business people. It isn’t enough to have fancy cars, vacation homes and other lavish perks of the highly successful. Many selfish individuals have decided to play a risky game of “milk-the-company-for-all-it’s-worth” to fuel an unhealthy appetite to acquire more “things” for no other reason than to have them. As a result, books are cooked, balance sheets become unbalanced and finally, as in the case of Enron, there is nothing left to share with the shareholders. Continue reading

Have You Been Fired? Laid Off? No? You Will Be!

It’s true. Things have changed. You need to know the 3 Keys to Taking Control in this wildly-changing job world.

2.6 million were laid off the past three years, 600,000 in 2003. The most mass layoffs in history occurred in January 2004. 2004 saw more mass layoffs than any previous year. Manufacturing jobs are down from 21 million in 1980 to 14 million today. As an example, Levis closed the last of its 63 plants in this country. So that most American of icons-Levis-are now only made offshore. Continue reading

Workplace Melodrama–A Flair For The Dramatic

A flair for the dramatic is a theatrical term used to describe an actress or actor who has a talent for melodrama, characterized by intensely enacted interpersonal conflict and exaggerated emotions. The central figure in a melodrama is the hero, who spins his tale or portrays the justice of his cause in a positive light. Counterparts include the villain and the fool who are ridiculed and portrayed negatively. Continue reading

Energizing Synergy

Would you like to have more energy and synergy in your job and career? If you are not enjoying work the way you used to and if you would like to contribute in a manner that produces more results with less effort, then Energizing Synergy is what you need to cultivate.

Be honest with yourself for a moment and answer the following questions:


  • Are you energized or drained at the end of a workday?
  • Are you out of sync with the business direction the company is taking, and do you understand the business rationales for any new changes?
  • Do you do your part to promote an upbeat and positive work environment?
  • Are you constantly learning at work?

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Virtual Heroes: The Growth of the Virtual Assistant

Building and expanding a business is a difficult task, when the management of the business in its existing form takes up much of the time. The administrative, office-based and creative tasks behind running a business, although time-consuming and often repetitive, are vital to the continued operations of the business. With the explosion of opportunities on the Internet, and moves towards a global economy, an extensive range of businesses is finding that they can greatly benefit from the help of a Virtual Assistant. Continue reading

Personality Testing; Myth and Realities

It is commonly believed myth that personality testing instruments can measure your personality and predict your future behaviors. The pre-employment testing mechanism has been following this creed without any solid evidence. The testing industry claims all out validity. The educational institutions and employer organizations use them for screening purposes. Their transparency and equity has even convinced the courts of law. Continue reading