In a day of background checks, pre-employment drug screening and multiple interviews, where do resumes fit in? According to many successful job applicants, not very well. An ever-increasing number of new hires say that resumes were not crucial in landing them the job. Instead, they simply played a part in sealing the deal. If that’s true, it means that mailing out resumes and waiting for the phone to ring is the last thing any recent grad or serious job seeker will want to do. Continue reading
Create Your Plan B Before the Layoff Axe Falls
In one short week, the axe fell at a number of companies and thousands of employees were without jobs. Hewlett Packard, Kodak, Ford Motor Company of Canada, PNC Financial and Kimberley Clark each had to make critical business decisions and lay off large numbers of employees. Reasons ranged from “maintaining a tighter rein on costs” to creating a “simpler nimbler” organization”. Although the news is usually shocking, layoffs don’t just happen. There are usually some subtle signs that changes are coming.How does one prepare for such an eventuality? By having a plan in place…creating a Plan B. Make it your responsibility to manage your own career, to swim out and meet your ship, not wait until it comes ashore. Such a mindset will help lessen the impact of a layoff, and will enable you to weather the storm if and when it comes. Here are some tips to help with your preparation: Continue reading
Can You Compete?
Are you looking to hire the best talent? Are you thinking about adding a new employee who will significantly impact millions of dollars in YOUR business? Do you want to hire the best? Then you need to show and convince your next hire that you are serious about him joining your team.
In March, we received the following candidate’s response to two high level interviews. The candidate would potentially earn over $100,000 in base salary. As a regional salesperson, the candidate would potentially add millions in new revenue per year to the company. We edited his response. Needless to say, the first company did not convince this very capable salesperson that they wanted him, the second one did. Continue reading
What Did You Say?
My table-mates introduced themselves as the reciprocal protocol began. We chatted about what we did, where we did it and what we thought of the conference. Stan joined the table as the chicken was served. He’d been introduced to me earlier and we’d talked briefly during the pre-dinner social. Now he was peppering me with intriguing business questions. This was going to be a lively and interesting discussion, I thought. Continue reading
Sample Resume Objectives: Read, Dont Copy
The resume objective statement is typically something that trips people up.
Confronted by the silent challenge of the blank page, most folks Google for “sample resume objectives”. They hope that’ll help.
Probably not.
I say that because sample resume objectives often are like sample resumes, or sample cover letters, or sample anything. They’re samples. They aren’t exactly what you need. They’re fine for generating ideas, I suppose, but they come with a temptation. Continue reading
A Peek at Nursing as a Career
We need more people to choose nursing as a career. There is a national shortage, so the career choice would guarantee future employment fresh out of school.
Just last week, as I was taking care of a patient of mine, a doctor asked, “Kim, how did you decide to become a nurse?”That question caused me to reflect over nearly 25 years, and it still causes me to wonder sometimes. You see, I was not one of those little girls that wished to be a nurse, although I really liked the head nurse on Emergency. I told her, “You know, I think nursing chose me.” Continue reading
When the Teacher Becomes the Student
A relationship expert once said that during an argument, there’s usually three sides to every story: his side, her side, and of course, the truth.
This is something we must definitely keep in mind as teachers. As educators (especially professors), we have been accused of having the biggest egos on this side of Mount Rushmore. One of the quickest ways to burn out in education is to refuse to embrace change. Whether we want to admit it or not, life moves and changes constantly.
Students are constantly exposed to material we once never dreamed existed. Ironically, although students are exposed to more, they typically know less and are less mature than the generations before. However, that does not discredit the fact that students still bring a unique perspective to our classroom; it’s through their eyes that we can become better teachers. Continue reading
CV Writing ? How to Write a CV
A winning CV has 2 objectives:
To illustrate your strengths and maximise your chances of getting through to interview and to put factual information, such as dates, places, names together in a presentable and readable form.
Focal Point
It is claimed that the human eyes are naturally drawn to a focal point one third down from the top of the page. Therefore, put your most useful information in this area. It might be your Profile, Key Skills, Professional Qualifications or details of your most recent employment. You can choose whichever you think is most important and relevant to your application.
Always get a second opinion when you have put your CV together. It is difficult to be objective about oneself. Continue reading
Six Sure-Fire Ways to Get Yourself a Pay Rise
Many employees do not care too much for their bosses or supervisors. It is an all too common trait. Most feel as though the boss knows nothing, has a superiority complex, is arrogant, is unapproachable, expects too much and pays too little. Are you nodding your head?
Having stated all of the above, what are YOU doing to improve the situation? You see the boss or supervisor did not get to where he or she is by being a complete nincompoop. Oh, I can almost hear some people saying: “Yeah, but you don’t know MY boss!”
Let’s face a little bit of stark reality. Your boss or supervisor, for whatever reason, has ascended to a position that you probably aspire to. They must have at least some endearing qualities. Sure, they probably have faults too. You do. So do I. Hey! We all have faults. Continue reading
Ideal Job and Handling Criticism
How many times have you been asked, “What is your dream job?”
Even if you document a dream job on paper, will you be happy every day in that job? Unlikely. Heck, you could work in your dream job for two different companies and end up being happy in one and miserable in the other. It’s not just the responsibilities and the day to day activities that identify a job as enjoyable or miserable. It’s also the environment, mentality, morale, and management styles. Continue reading