Reading the Want Ads–Not for Jobs–For Information

What? Want ads are where job announcementsare, not information!

Wait! Job want ads are full of information ifyou know what to do and how to use them.

Doubtful? Here are some ideas of the kindsof information you can find as a job seeker.They are:

1. Start by looking for the ads that are in thecategory of jobs you want to apply for. Cut andpaste these job announcements onpaper for later viewing.

2. Read the rest of the ads carefully to see if thereare other jobs advertised from the same places thatyou have selected from your own selection.If there are any, that will give you an idea of whatthis company is doing. Maybe it is hiring for several categories.Example: They may be expanding and looking foremployees for more than one type of job.

3. Look for patterns in the jobs that are advertised.If there are many in the health field, for example,then that tells you that health needs are notcompletely served in your community. (Yes, it maybe that this is a national trend about health care, notenough health workers. This is an example of only onefield).

4. The most promiment of these employers may bewho you target for informational interviews if you noticethey have advertised for several positions to be filled.Start your research here to get personal names of theseemployers. Easy research from your local library.
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5. Yes, apply for the jobs on your sheet that youhave identified. Look for patterns for at least twoweeks to see if the employer continues to advertisefor the same position/s. If so, either they have notfound credible candidates or the job is not a goodone. Check them out with informational interviewing anyway.

6. Continue on your “research project” in looking forpatterns of employment possibilities for yourself.You might want to devise your own list of patternsto suit your own needs, not just these.

7. Lots of other people get paid to find thesesources of employment. They are often calledlabor market researchers. Now you areone and can find your own job!

Marilyn J. Tellez, M.A.
Certified Job & Career Transition Coach
Phone: (509) 469-3514