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"5 Ways to Drastically Improve Your Resume in 10 Minutes
Follow these quick and easy tips to build yourself a better resume in under 10 minutes flat.
* Use strong, action oriented language that describes specific skills or accomplishments.
Go through your resume from top to bottom and eliminate weak language. Don't write "Was in charge of large graphic design
department that increased company revenues" when you can say
"Managed 12 graphic artists in major creative projects that
increased revenues by over 3 million last year."
Whenever possible, eliminate all forms of the verb "to be" (is, are, was, am and so on), as demonstrated in the
previous example. Instead, replace them with strong action
words that paint a compelling picture.
* Add bullets.
Bullets are a great way to transform lists that would otherwise make tedious reading in paragraph form, or that
would benefit by a cleaner layout. They make the job of
reading your resume more pleasant for the reader. A perfect
candidate for bullets is a list of accomplishments related
to a single job. For example, "Postmaster, 1998 -2003" followed by 3 or 4 major accomplishments in bullet form.
* Write a specific, concise job description.
If the job you really want is "Director of Human Resources at a Fortune 1000 company," say so. Don't write "Middle management position at a large or mid-size company" or
something equally vague. That covers a lot of territory. You
need to help the company with the exact job you're looking
for find you. Put yourself in the hiring manager's shoes.
Would you call a candidate for an interview in the hopes
that she is a good match, or would you call the person whose
job description.
specifically indicates she wants the job?
* Don't include every single position you've ever held.
Your resume is a document designed to land you an interview,followed by a job offer. There will be times when omitting a
position - especially if it has no relevance to the position
you are seeking, may be in your best interest. This is easy
to do where omitting short term positions or special
projects conducted as part of an ongoing job assignment will
not create an obvious "hole" in your background that you
will need to explain.
(There are ways to avoid making an employer suspicious of resume rough spots, like gaps in experience or experience
that lacks relevance to the position you are seeking. A
professional resume writer can offer you specific advice on
ways to do so, considering your unique background.)
* Spell check.
When you're finished improving your resume, run a final spell check. Your word processor's spell checker probably
won't contain all the acronyms and specialized industry
jargon that your resume likely contains. In that case, take
the time to manually check each flagged item to make sure
your resume is spelling error-free.
Follow these five easy tips for a better resume, fast!
Copyright 2005 by Vincent Czaplyski, all rights reserved.
You may republish this article in its entirety, as long as you include the complete signature file above without
About the Author
Copywriter and consultant Vincent Czaplyski is founder of www.impressive-resumes.com, your online source for
professionally written "industrial strength" resumes and
cover letters guaranteed to land you an interview.
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