Many people are working at jobs they don’t wantand they hate to go there every day. Are you oneof them?
Let’s start by examining how you got into this kindof “pickle” to begin with. Did you take this job be-cause you thought you couldn’t find anything else?Did someone you are close to, tell you to take iteven if you didn’t want to? Were you in panic be-cause you thought you would be out on the street?
When I listen to people who have gotten into thispredicament, I usually find that the main cause forthis kind of frustration and unhappiness is becausethere is a lack of self-esteem and no goal setting.These two elements go hand in hand. It’s almostas if the job seeker has lost some part of the self and is willing to be molded by others, outsidecircumstances or fate.
The cure, in my opinion, is to always have goalsfor oneself. Some need to be work related whileothers can be for fun or for learning.
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Goals make life sweeter. They can turn a hum-drum job into one you might like. They can also lead `you to the job of your dreams some day!Make your current job into one or find a new, funjob. It’s a matter of attitude, isn’t it?
c, 2004
Marilyn J. Tellez, M.A.Certified Job & Career Transition CoachEmail: doitnow@nwinfo.netWeb: