Author Archives: admin

Telecommuting Resumes

Your resume needs to outline your skills and experience, as most know. What some may not know is that employers want to know what you’ll bring to the table. They don’t want to know what your daily duties were. They want to know what you did for the companies you worked for that makes you extraordinary. Did you save them money, did you make them money, how were you the best at what you did, etc. Yes, employers want to know what your experience is, so duties are good to add. Again, the name of the game is SELL YOURSELF! This does not lose its importance in a resume. Continue reading

Telecommuting Cover Letters

Question: How do I market myself online?

Answer: With a stellar cover letter and resume.

Okay, so let’s get into the meat of this. You know that you need to market yourself, and you can do that with a stellar cover letter and resume. But, why is that so important? Let’s think about this. When you apply offline for a job, you are competing with a handful of people (usually) and right there you have a better chance to get called in for an interview. Online jobs you are often competing with hundreds, if not thousands, of other applicants for the very same position. Continue reading

Dissatisfied With Your Job? Stop Believing The Myths!

If you are dissatisfied with your job, you are in a self-imposed career slump!

Why are so many of us in career slumps? Bottom line?we are not doing work that satisfies us! No matter what our employer does for us, if we are not doing work we really want to be doing, in a way that fits our desired life-style, we will never be satisfied.

What keeps us in career slumps for so long? The number one thing that keeps us in our slumps is that we believe the “myths” we were told! Continue reading

Job! Money! Career!

Feel somehow your life is stuck in MS-OFFICE ? The reality of life for MBAs is Excel or PowerPoint , I heard Google is catching up at campus. Having gone through this myself, (I am still not out of it!), having had the nightmare of freshly minted MBAs reporting to me every year ( 90% of MBAs in their first job believe that their first Boss in Incompetent) and struggling to manage their transition to reality, guess I am now in a position to give some Gyan on assessing your job and career moves. I crystallized these thoughts while discussing these situations with a friend of mine, her issues with the first job where similar to what most of you would be facing. Job!! Money !! or Career !! Continue reading

Why It Is Impossible To Raise Your Standard Of Living Working A Job

Everything in nature has been endowed with what it needs to survive. There is no living thing that isn’t inherently equipped with the skills and abilities it needs to secure its continued existence. Whether through instinct, size, camouflage or speed, no gazelle, lion or giraffe has to go to trade school to learn how to survive. That’s the beauty of the divine plan. We, as humans, are part of this plan and each one of us is given something that sets us apart from everyone else; something that we can use to ensure our own survival. Continue reading

More Companies Using Job Interview Phone Screening

Planning and preparing before you begin to send out resumes could save you some embarrassing moments when you receive that unexpected call.

You just never know when that phone is going to ring. Let’s say the phone rings just as you are about to sit down for dinner, but this time it’s not a pesky telemarketer — it’s a company recruiter calling. The voice on the other end of the phone says she is calling about a resume you sent in six weeks ago. ‘What — six weeks ago? I sent out 40 resumes in the past six weeks? Who exactly are you and what was the job you are calling about?’ You’ve been caught off-guard! Continue reading

50 Things To Do To Your Boss That Are Fun For You, But Not For Them

1. You’re eavesdropping and you hear your boss has reservations at his favorite restaurant. You know, the one you can’t afford. Call them back and cancel his reservations ? say you’re his wife.

2. Have a friend of yours make an anonymous call to your boss saying that they know what he has been up to, possess incriminating pictures, and hang up. It will scare the bejesus out of him.

3. Put chocolate ex-lax in your manager’s chocolate licorice. Not only will you feel better, it may wipe that constipated look off of his face too. Continue reading

Discuss Your Accomplishments During the Interview

When preparing for your interview, you need to be ready to discuss your accomplishments. Surprisingly, many people are reluctant to talk about their accomplishments. But this is exactly what the interviewer wants to hear from you.

Discussing your accomplishments separates you from the rest of the people applying for the job. It helps you stand out and show that you are more qualified than the others. Remember, the whole point of an interview is to sell yourself to the interviewer. He or she needs to know that you are the right person for the position. Continue reading

Resumes OR CV : Get That Job

Your resume is your sales document. It tells the world of your achievements, capabilities and roles you have enjoyed. It should standalone and represents you well. To impress your potential employers there are a few guidelines that will help you create an amazing resume.

Create a captivating covering letter ? use friendly language, refer to the job advertised and allow some of your personality to show through this document.

Don’t present it in plastic folders ? these are bulky and expensive and your interviewer will discard the unsuccessful applicants anyway. Keep it simple, clean and stapled. Continue reading

Building Performance Trust

You can have outstanding ideas, yet never leverage them into winning at working results. That’s because the secret behind those ideas lies in performance. Yours.

Getting the okay to pursue your idea is directly related to the level of confidence other people have in your ability to deliver it. And if you do, you will create for yourself opportunities on a regular basis. One successful idea delivery leads to another and another and another. Bigger and bigger ideas are entrusted to people who consistently turn ideas into reality. Continue reading