1.Know your Values The typical workplace in today’s world, whether it is led by women or men, is often guided and directed by use of power-over, the loudest in the room wins, and seering competition that tears apart and down rather than building up. At Pavo Navigation, our women clients regularly find themselves out of […]
Category: Personal Development
Being Alone vs Lonely ~ A Make or Break Distinction to Finding the One
Imagine you were hiking and got hungry. You had no idea you had on your back a backpack full of food, water, and even a really friggen delicious chewy vegan chocolate chip cookie. As you got hungrier and hungrier you became more and more desperate to GET food. You would even TAKE food from […]
You Can Have It All: Here’s How
Megan Hill climbed the corporate ladder with extraordinary speed, entering the top level of advertising executives by the age of just 28. Megan could deliver results for clients during the recession of 2008 when million-dollar budgets were being slashed to thousands. She also managed to earn a 30% pay rise while those around her were […]
What Are You Sacrificing for Success?
Wealth mentor’s message to women: demand wealth and accomplishment without compromise Would you compromise your personal values for a dream job? Would you lie about a colleague to gain a promotion? According to research, if you’re a woman, the answer to these questions is probably “no” and, strikingly, this ethical integrity may actually be holding you […]
~ One mother’s story of truth, freedom, and liberation ~ It all changed for social worker Doris Schachenhofer when she realized that it wasn’t only her clients — troubled teenagers, challenged adults and people with prison sentences — who were trapped by their life conditions and labels such as poor, uneducated, addict […]
Why your past doesn’t dictate your future happiness
4 steps to finding freedom and leaving your story behind Most people are aware on some level that their childhood has helped shape the person they are today – for better or for worse. Drinkers, spenders, overeaters and other over-indulgers often learned their vices from what they observed growing up. But Dr Lisa Cooney, a […]
6 Ways to Deal with Difficult People
While most of us, hopefully, lead relatively contented lives with a circle of amicable friends, family and work colleagues it’s fair to say it’s not uncommon to have at least one relationship in your life that causes a bit of grief. It may be a colleague, an in law, a sibling, someone on the school […]
Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Gut
Expert shares 4 ways to trust your intuition There’s a lot of talk about the gut right now – gut health, gut balance, gut brains. And it seems we’re only at the start of a long scientific journey into the importance of our gut, both to our physical and mental health. Corinna Stoeffl, a counselor […]
Why We Need to Think Differently About Depression and Anxiety
7 steps to overcoming depression Depression is an enormous problem all around the world. Globally, more than 300 million people of all ages suffer from it, according to the World Health Organization. Some say it’s our environment, some say it is technology’s increasingly strong grip on our lives – the theories are many and […]
Corporate Leadership Trainer Beate Nimsky, 66, has no problem presenting in front of 500+ people. She is a gun for hire, utilized by Ericsson, Europcar, Bosch, Siemens, and Georg Fischer Automotive and other companies wanting to positively influence their mindset and culture. As a child, however, Beate was silenced by her parents. Often. She […]