You Can Have It All: Here’s How

Megan Hill climbed the corporate ladder with extraordinary speed, entering the top level of advertising executives by the age of just 28. Megan could deliver results for clients during the recession of 2008 when million-dollar budgets were being slashed to thousands. She also managed to earn a 30% pay rise while those around her were being made redundant.


She credits the tools of Access Consciousness to help her stay centered and at the height of her creative edge. Today, Megan teaches people how to improve their relationship with money in her Right Riches For You program.


“Most people get stuck in a pattern that is unconducive to making more money. This program is about giving people the tools and inspiration to find something they love, have fun while they work and create way more money with it, no matter what the industry or economic flavor of the day,” she says. 

Some of her top tips include:

Tip 1: Get clear on how much you need to live on each month

Gather up all your expenses and get honest about the minimum amount of money it costs you to live on each month. Then, understand how much more you’d like to be earning. Knowing exactly how much you want will increase your chances of getting it. After all, if you don’t know you’re looking for a new bright pink hat, you won’t recognize it as a good fit when you find one.

Tip 2: Be willing to ask for it   

Some people know how much they’d like to earn, but don’t feel worthy of asking for it, or shut themselves off from receiving it when the opportunity arises. Be willing to both ask for and receive the amount of money you need to live. Every 6 months, look at your expenses again and ask: how much does it cost me to live now? If you stay in creation mode, that number will keep expanding.

Tip 3: Do whatever it takes

Sitting around asking for $100,000 a year without action will not work. You must start where you’re at. If you have zero income channels, be willing to do whatever it takes to create them. There are people who want a partner but say no to 10 dates that don’t match a perfect ideal of their Romeo or Juliet. If you want a partner, start dating. If you want money, be willing to create income channels and do what it takes to work them.

Tip 4: Listen to your gut. Be true to yourself. Follow the lightness. 

The only decent money conversation is one that is linked to your happiness. Money doesn’t make you happy. Life, however, is much more fun if you’re willing to be happy and include money in it, rather than block it. When you make a decision to take a job or start a new project, know there’s no wrong choice and at any point. You can always make a new or different choice if it’s not making you happy.

Tip 5: Honor your body with pleasure and fun 

A person may make millions but is working 24/7, stressed out, sleeping poorly, drugged up and not able to enjoy their life. Your body likes to be in contact with nice things – massage, quality clothing, good food. Test driving a 1999 Honda, then a 2018 Mercedes and ask yourself: what does my body like more? Do the same for wearing fake verses real gold earrings or eating McDonalds versus delicious options from the gourmet cafe. What does your body enjoy more?

Tip 6: What lights you up? 

Write a list of 10 things that are so easy and enjoyable for you to do, you couldn’t imagine anyone paying for it. Then, look at the list and ask how you could use any of them to start creating money and revenue with. If you love taking care of people, an elderly person might pay you to check-in and buy groceries for them. If you like connecting and talking with people, you could get paid to make phone calls all day.

Tip 7: Never give up 

Never stop aiming for whatever it is you desire to create that could make you good money. If you love your business but need to get a job to make it happen, get a job and make it happen. Don’t give up on the idea just because it doesn’t happen immediately. Keep asking for whatever it will take to bring your desire into creation. Helpful questions include: What else is possible? What would it take to make this happen? Never take no for an answer.

I hate seeing people unhappy at work and the majority of people only experience weekend happiness,” Megan says. “I love inspiring people to be great and find happiness from 9-5 as well to create more money than they’ve ever considered.”


About Megan Hill


For over 10 years Megan Hill has been the creative force behind marketing and communication strategies for companies and clients in travel, hospitality, events management, self-help, and more. She lives on the creative edge and invites her clients to always consider what will create the most in all aspects of marketing and business creation. She leads the creation and strategy for marketing and social media projects for Access Consciousness worldwide. She hosts a regular podcast; The What Else is Possible Show. She’s is a facilitator, coach and speaker while also juggling the busy life of being a working mum. She enjoys traveling the world and empowering people to know that everything they desire IS possible through Right Riches for You, a specialty program of Access Consciousness. Follow on Twitter at @AccessMegan.

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