Is Your Money Language Making You Poorer?

She’s seven years into a happy marriage, owner of a beautiful big home and traveling the world while supporting a full docket of clients to build sustainable and profitable businesses.

Life, however, used to feel like pure irony for business coach Jennifer Cramer. With decades of banking, finance and real estate experience, this former single mum of two was drowning in debt, stress, and self-pity.

“I spent at least five years in chronic stress, living in a shoebox, struggling to pay bills, fighting with my ex-husband over the kids, I couldn’t sleep, and I wanted to commit suicide,” she said. “I was in a pretty dire place… until… I discovered Access Consciousness and learned how to change my mindset to start creating different financial and relationship possibilities for myself.”

Today, Jennifer lives a very different reality and shares her tools, strategies, and knowledge for creating a profitable and sustainable business in her Right Riches for You program. Read on for a selection of her top tips below:

Tip 1: If anyone can work with you, nobody can work with you 

Write out the qualities and attributes of your ideal clients. Working with people you don’t like or can’t relate to is exhausting. When you know what your ideal client looks and sounds like, you can create a sustainable business that does not drain you.

Tip 2: Delegate. Delegate. Delegate. 

Identify the top 3 – 5 things you’re fantastic at and delegate everything else to qualified professionals. Hiring someone’s time and expertise adds a full workday (or five) to your working week. Suddenly tasks get done efficiently and the business can find its flow.

Tip 3: Include your health in your recipe for business success

Do not sacrifice your health for business success. Consult your body how it would like to operate (include food, sleep, movement, and massage, etc.). If you don’t know what works for your body then consult a nutritionist, personal trainer or occupational therapist.

Tip 4: Always consult experts 

Network with industry experts who know how to build a profitable business. Buy them a coffee or a glass of wine at a party and pick their brain. People love to give advice and help so don’t be afraid to ask people questions. Warning: Be careful not to ask people like your mum.

Tip 5: Get good at asking for the order 

Too many entrepreneurs don’t have a way to onboard their clients easily.  What do you do? How much do you charge for services? When someone says I’d like to work with you, have a clear and confident response for them. Ask for business in a way that works and do it constantly.

Tip 6: Move from 1:1 selling to 1: many    

How can you invite the most amount of people into my business for the smallest amount of effort? Podcasts, webinars, online TV shows, social media, and PR campaigns are all 1: many channels. Businesses that master the 1: many pitches have a greater chance of success.

Tip 7: Include your spirit in your business

Breathe in fresh air. Take time to pat your dog. Schedule in 30 minutes of nothing and stick to it. These little breaks create white space in your day and allow your nervous system to reset so you won’t burn out and can stay on top of your game.

Tip 8: Systems and elegance

How easy are you to find on the internet? How easy is it for people to book a session with you or buy your product? How easy is it to invoice clients and collect payment? Set up systems that allow you to connect and work with clients more easily.

Tip 9: Multiple income streams

Business is only one way to bring in money. What if you had five? Warren Buffet says the average billionaire has five different income streams. Find you can make money and invest it into real estate or antiques, jewelry or art. Always ask: how can I have my money-making money for me?

Tip 10: Never give up 

The minute you think your business is not profitable, you are probably only two or three steps away from getting the breakthrough you need. Ask yourself regularly: If I knew it was never an option to quit, what would I choose next?

“I love the idea of my clients having lots of money and making choices from a place of wealth and abundance. The more money you have, the more experiences you have access to and the more philanthropy and pro bono work people can afford to do. Upgrading your mindset and simply being willing to have money is key,” shares Jennifer.

About Jennifer Cramer Lewis

Jennifer Cramer Lewis loves showing people simple changes they can make to drastically improve their financial welfare. With over 20 years in business and finance, including stints in Banking, Real Estate Sales and Management, and Mortgage Broking, she has always found it easy and natural to implement processes to heighten productivity. These skills combined with her love of people meant that financial coaching was a natural progression from working within other people’s businesses. She is a facilitator for Right Riches for You, a specialty program of Access Consciousness. She has written two bestselling books and is mum to two fantastic teens who are learning early to master the language of prosperity.

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