Change Your Career, Change Your Life

Change Your Career,

Change your Life!

Lots of times I see and talk to people whoare tired, bored and burnt out of their currentjobs. I'm not sure what causes this dis-satisfaction. One reason, though, that I'vethought about is that the work they are doing is not their life passion. Or, if it was,something in the person has changed or thepassion needs to be re-kindled.

One of the best ways to re-kindle a work passion is to celebrateall of one's accomplishments from a lifetime.Even the young adult has many tasks thathave been done, which encourage passion inwork.

Let's start with a common achievement.That of learning to ride a bicycle. Therehas to be coordination between, head, hands, legs and arms. Body balance isnecessary. All at once, almost, the personcan ride a bicycle! Whew!

If that is an accomplishment in your life,write it down. List as many from fun spotsin your life along with the more serious ones.

It's truly amazing to see people come tolife with new goals, new attitudes, and newpossibilities, when they see and know theirpotential. Potential for the future, from thepast.

c, 2004-05Marilyn J. Tellez, M.A.Certified Job & Career Transition CoachEmail: doitnow@nwinfo.netWeb:


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