The Difference Between Earning Trust and Commanding Respect

By Arishma Singh


The story of Peter and Mary’s budding relationship, which I recount in The Respected Salesperson, serves as a vehicle to explore the essential themes of trust and respect in any relationship dynamic. Like most typical romance stories, these two characters meet and quickly become close, despite Peter’s initial reluctance to commit due to past experiences. Mary, determined to change Peter’s commitment issues, crafts an environment that showcases their compatibility and emphasizes the strong foundation of their friendship.


As Peter’s trust in Mary grows, the two delve deeper into a sincere connection. Mary, however, mistakes this trust for commitment and eagerly anticipates a more permanent bond. Throughout the five years of their friendship, the respect they have for each other remains intact, but Mary’s unspoken expectations prevent her from understanding the distinction between trust and commitment.


Eventually, Mary confronts Peter about the lack of a proposal, and they both realize a vital lesson: trust and respect are indispensable in any relationship, but cannot guarantee romantic commitment. They come to acknowledge the importance of open communication and setting clear boundaries.


This story highlights the intricate dynamics of trust and respect in relationships, whether they are romantic, platonic, or professional. Ultimately, the participants learn that recognizing the difference between earning trust and commanding respect is crucial for establishing healthy, thriving connections. The narrative also emphasizes how vital it is to explore trust and respect in diverse aspects of our lives, including personal and professional realms such as sales.


Trust AND Respect in Sales Relationships

In sales, establishing and nurturing successful relationships with customers is the key to long-term success. Trust and respect go hand-in-hand when it comes to forming and maintaining these relationships, each playing a distinct but crucial role.


Let’s explore the differences between trust and respect, the benefits and potential pitfalls of prioritizing one over the other and look at some examples and tips salespeople can employ to effectively balance trust and respect in their sales careers.


Trust is the foundation of any relationship, including those in the sales world. When clients trust you, they feel confident in your competence, honesty, and reliability. True trust takes time to build and is often established through consistent reliability, delivering on promises, and effective communication. However, it is important to note that trust alone doesn’t guarantee success in sales, as a one-sided trust may not lead to a sale.


Mutual respect, on the other hand, is the recognition and appreciation of one another’s value and beliefs. While trust focuses on character and credibility, respect is about treating each other with dignity and recognizing each other’s rights, opinions, and needs. Successful sales professionals know how to establish the grounds of mutual respect quickly by setting the foundation for a great partnership from the start.


So, while both trust and respect are essential in sales, they each address different aspects of the relationship. Balancing the two is critical for achieving sustainable success.


Benefits and Pitfalls of Prioritizing Trust or Respect

Prioritizing trust can lead to long-lasting relationships with customers, as trust is often the driver of customer loyalty and client retention. However, putting too much emphasis on trust may leave salespeople vulnerable to situations where clients take advantage of their trustworthy nature or fail to communicate changes in their decision-making.


On the other hand, prioritizing respect may help salespeople command authority and set boundaries from the start. This approach often encourages clients to be more transparent and take sales professionals seriously. However, focusing solely on respect may create a sense of rigidity and hinder the establishment of deep connections with clients, which trust assists in forming.


Real-Life Examples of Successful Sales Professionals

Many successful sales professionals effectively balance trust and respect in building lasting customer relationships. An example is a seasoned account executive in the software industry who ensures that her prospects are well-informed and delivers on her commitments, establishing trust. Simultaneously, she isn’t afraid to push back and share her thoughts when necessary, which earns her the respect of the clients.


Another example is a medical device sales representative who excels in providing valuable resources and timely information to healthcare practitioners, thereby earning their trust. Yet, he is never hesitant to discuss challenging topics, ask probing questions, and maintain his professional boundaries, demonstrating respect for both himself and his clients.


Tips for Cultivating Trust and Respect

When promoting and selling any product or solution, salespeople can cultivate trust and respect with their customers by following these principles:

  1. Be genuine: Show empathy by understanding your client’s needs and reasons for needing the solutions, and genuinely care about their concerns.
  2. Communicate clearly and effectively: Keep the lines of communication open, be honest about what can be delivered and, not only the product’s limitations, but also the limitations of the client’s thinking. By providing a true and accurate picture and providing timely updates on progress, a win-win relationship can be established.
  3. Set boundaries and maintain a professional demeanor: Clearly define the expectations on both sides, stand firm on your proposals, and maintain a professional attitude. Sales is a value exchange. No one is superior nor inferior in this dynamic.
  4. Deliver as promised and negotiate well when clients’ expectations change: Keep the sales process fluid with accountability on both sides.
  5. Seek feedback and provide feedback to propel creativity and gratitude.




Arishma Singh is an award-winning top performer, a ‘pocket rocket,’ and a woman to watch, with over 20 years of corporate experience working with such major brands as Nielsen Media, American Express, Google Australia, Pivot Software, and Experian Australia, After numerous health setbacks, Singh’s journey into mind-body solutions led her to EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). A globally certified and accredited EFT practitioner, she leveraged EFT to develop her own methodology, THRIVE, to enable high performers to achieve sustainable success without compromising their well-being. A keynote speaker, author, and edupreneur, Singh leads Thrive With EFT to empower clients to overcome inner blocks and achieve life-changing transformation. Her new book is The Respected Salesperson. Learn more at


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